Beth Sarah’s ‘Scared’: Music That Speaks When Words Fall Short
Beth Sarah’s latest single, ‘Scared’, is a very personal and emotional piece showing both vulnerability and a great amount of strength. She wrote the song when she was really scared and uncertain about what was going to happen to her, yet the melodies are beautiful. The arrangement is really simple—just piano, cello, and vocals which allow listeners to feel even closer to the message and fully absorb its emotion in every note. The addition of Zea-Cyan Hudson’s cello playing enhances the song’s haunting and delicate atmosphere.
The song came from a period of deep personal struggle. While Beth Sarah was in the hospital for months, fighting severe acute pancreatitis, she found comfort in the digital piano in Worthing Hospital’s Sanctuary. Music became her way to escape and also a way to process everything her body was going through. Over time, she wrote four songs, each one describing the emotions of living with a long-term illness. ‘Scared’ came to life in a spontaneous moment after getting a call from her doctor saying she was developing diabetes. Fear got the best of her so she sat at the piano, hit record on her phone, and just let everything out. And there you had it, she created a song that's honest, an expression of fear with no filters, and it shows the power of music to make sense of it all.
What makes ‘Scared’ powerful is that it's truthful. When Beth Sarah was going through her illness, people kept telling her to be positive, but really that had nothing to do with what was at hand. People didn't understand or didn’t want to acknowledge the reality of what she was feeling—constant pain, frustration, and lots of fear. She needed someone to see and say she's suffering and not brush it under the carpet. That’s precisely what 'Scared' does, it's an honest voice which doesn't talk things over, sugarcoat them or reassure one of anything that isn't true. Instead, it gets into those difficult emotions and gives them a voice, and in return, it helps anyone who's struggling to feel more understood, and maybe-just maybe-less alone.
With its honest lyrics, melodies, and intimate instrumentation, ‘Scared’ is definitely a song but also a companion for anyone who's going through fear and uncertainty. Beth Sarah has created something that doesn’t try to gloss over pain but make space for it to exist. In its simplicity, there’s something very real and moving. In its simplicity there's power, and in its honesty, you can find a profound connection.
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